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Asia 3
India 1
Maldives 4
Hong Kong 14
Singapore 7
Taiwan 5
Japan 4
Thailand 17
Vietnam 9
Australia 83
New Zealand 23
Philippines 16
Fiji 4
New Caledonia 2
Tahiti 1
French Polynesia 2
Bali 7
International 19
Canada 59
USA 17
Northeast USA 43
Mid Atlantic USA 45
Southeast USA 59
Great Lakes USA 20
Central USA 7
Gulf States USA 16
Unknown 2
Rocky Mountains USA 9
Western USA 5
SouthwestUSA 2
Northwest USA 69
California USA 64
Hawaii 80
Caribbean 81
Belize 4
Costa Rica 11
Mexico 29
South America 2
Nicaragua 1
Uruguay 4
Argentina 15
Brazil 50
Peru 6
Chile 11
Venezuela 9
Panama 1
Colomiba 3
Europe 20
Ireland 16
Guernsey 1
UK 110
Scotland 5
The Netherlands 45
Finland 4
Norway 8
Denmark 11
Belgium 17
Sweden 15
France 86
Germany 78
Portugal 20
Luxembourg 1
Switzerland 19
Austria 18
Lithuania 1
Spain 63
Canary Islands 26
Poland 15
Estonia 4
Ukraine 3
Russia 26
Belarus 1
Czech Republic 7
Hungary 12
Tunisia 1
Croatia 17
Slovenia 10
Bulgaria 8
Italy 96
Greece 74
Cyprus 8
Turkey 26
Israel 9
Lebanon 1
Morocco 2
Egypt 21
Saudi Arabia
Cape Verde Islands 13
Mozambique 1
Kenya 6
South Africa 21
Madagascar 3
Mauritius 4
Transportation 0 (27)
Lodging 0 (69)
Clubs and Associations 1 (198)
Destination 0 (225)
Equipment Rental 4 (300)
Equipment Repair 0 (87)
Instruction 4 (363)
Video 2 (69)
Landsurfing 0 (23)
Used Equipment 2 (153)
Art 0 (16)
Equipment Sales 1 (330)
Anemometer 0 (9)
Rack and Trailer s 0 (16)
Wetsuit 0 (23)
Accessory s 0 (63)
Board 1 (66)
Boom 0 (25)
Fin 0 (30)
Mast 0 (25)
Sail Loft 0 (38)
News, Info and Weather
Weather 2 (87)
Wind Speeds 1 (43)
Event 2 (97)
Location 5 (278)
News 1 (79)
Publisher 1 (32)
Live Wind Camera 1 (49)
Non-English 0 (162)
Online Instruction 0 (27)
Personal Web Page 2 (134)
Snowsurfing and Icesurfing 0 (25)
Chat and Groups 1 (65)
Jobs 0 (11)
Links 5 (171)
Local Information 0 (80)
Photo Gallery 1 (237)

New Zealand
Personal Windsurfing Web PageLocal InformationWindsurfing LocationWindsurfing LinksBlankBlankBlank Windsurfing the Waikato region of New Zealand 1851
Personal Windsurfing Web PageWindsurfing LinksBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank Arfo's Ode To Windsurfing 1841
Windsurfing Equipment RentalWindsurfing InstructionBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank Pt Chev Windsurfing 390
Windsurfing VideoWindsurfing Chat and GroupsWindsurfing NewsBlankBlankUsed Windsurfing EquipmentBlank Deepfried.tv 3331
Windsurfing PublisherWindsurfing LinksBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank wiNZurf.co.nz 394
Windsurfing InstructionBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank Madloops Windsurf School 381
Windsurfing Clubs and AssociationsLocal InformationWindsurfing LocationWindsurfing LinksBlankBlankBlank Raglan Airforce 1852
Windsurfing InstructionWindsurfing Equipment RentalBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank Trade Winds Windsurfing Instruction and Hire 1221
Kite ManufacturerKiteboarding Accessory ManufacturersKiteboard ManufacturerLand KitingBlankBlankBlank Peter Lynn Kites 1854
Weather wind.co.nz 4187
Windsurfing InstructionWindsurfing Equipment RentalBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank Rotora Windsurf School 389
  North Island
Windsurfing Equipment RentalWindsurfing LinksBlankWindsurfing LocationBlankBlankWeather Mission Bay Watersports 3921
Kiteboarding Equipment SalesKiteboarding LocationOnline Kitesurfing VideoKiteboarding SchoolKiteboarding Equipment RentalUsed Kiteboarding EquipmentKiteboarding LinksKiteboarding Photo Gallery Kitesurfing New Zealand Limited 2910
Windsurfing Board ManufacturerBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank Carbon Art 2167
Kiteboarding Chat and GroupsWind SpeedsLive Wind CameraBlankBlankBlankBlank KiteForum.co.nz 3200
Kite RepairKiteboarding Chat and GroupsOnline Kitesurfing VideoKiteboarding School Anabatic Kiteboarding 4021
Windsurfing Equipment SalesKiteboarding Equipment SalesUsed Windsurfing EquipmentUsed Kiteboarding Equipment wildwinds 4186
Kiteboard ManufacturerKiteboarding Accessory ManufacturersKiteboarding Photo GalleryBlankBlankKiteboarding Equipment SalesBlank Dvnt Kiteboarding 3247
Windsurfing EventWindsurfing Photo GalleryWindsurfing VideoWindsurfing Location Taranaki Wave Classic 4496
Windsurfing EventBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank Taranaki WaveClassic 2911
Windsurfing LocationLocal InformationBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank Tauranga/Mt Maunganui Windsurfing Scene 2090
  South Island
Kiteboarding Equipment SalesSnowkiting Equipment SalesKiteboarding SchoolLand KitingLocal InformationBlankBlank Kitesports New Zealand 3239
Kiteboard ManufacturerBlankBlankBlankBlankBlankBlank Decay Kiteboards 3478
List all web sites in New Zealand. 11374
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